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موضوع: اطلاعيه انجمن موتورسيكلت ايران (persianmotor)

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    11-10-1396 @ 02:14 بعد از ظهر

    پیش فرض اطلاعيه انجمن موتورسيكلت ايران (persianmotor)

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    با سلام خدمت دوستان و كاربران دوست داشتنى سايت پرشين موتور و موتورسيكلت

    همونطور كه دوستان در جريان هستند پرشين موتور تو اين چند سال فراز و فرودهاى زيادى داشته و مديران مختلفى روى كار آمده و رفته اند ، همه دوستان به نوعى زحمات زيادى كشيده اند تا اين سايت هميشه با رونق بالا باشه ، از همينجا از تك تك شون تشكر ميكنيم و عرض خسته نباشيد خدمتشون داريم ...
    و اما مديران جديد با برنامه هاى نو روى كار آمده اند تا اين سايت بيش از پيش رونق گيرد و كاربران و هم ميهنان عزيز از اين سايت نهايت استفاده رو داشته باشند و به اميد خداوند متعال شاهد پيشرفت اين سايت باشيم ...
    يكى از اين برنامه ها ادغام دو سايت و سايت بود كه به اميد خدا و به خوبى انجام شد ، از همينجا از كاربران گرامى خواهشمنديم اگر ضعفى يا مشكلى رو ميبينند مديران رو در جريان بگذارند تا رفع مشكل شود ، در مورد تاپيكهاى تكرارى به مرور زمان مديران و دوستان كار پاكسازى و ادغام رو انجام ميدهند ، در مورد دوستانى كه در هر دوسايت عضو بودن ، تا جايى كه ميشد نامهاى كاربريشون ادغام شد و دوستانى كه با نامهاى مختلف در هر دو سايت عضو بودن به سعيد bking پيام خصوصى بدن و اعلام كنن تا ايشون زحمت ادغام كردنشون رو بكشن ، جا داره از سعيد عزيز بابت اينكه ٤٨ ساعت تمام زحمت ادغام و هماهنگ سازى دو سايت رو كشيدن تشكر ويژه اى بكنيم و يه خسته نباشيد بهش عرض كنيم چون دست هر كس ديگه اى بود يه هفته سايت رو ميخابوند ...

    به اميد اينكه شاهد پيشرفت هاى بزرگى در انجمن موتورسيكلت ايران ( persianmotor ) باشيم ، اين دست نيافتنى است ، بدون كاربران عزيز سايت ،،،

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    21-08-1403 @ 09:49 قبل از ظهر

    پیش فرض Optimize Turbine Performance and Reduce Vibra

    [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ]. [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ]Electric motor balancing is an essential process that ensures the optimal performance and longevity of electric motors. When electric motors operate, they encounter various forces that can lead to imbalances. These imbalances can produce excessive vibrations, which not only decrease operational efficiency but also reduce the lifespan of the motor and its components. It is vital to understand the factors contributing to these imbalances and the importance of balancing to ensure motors operate smoothly.
    At its core, balancing pertains to the distribution of mass around the motor’s axis of rotation. In an ideal scenario, the mass would be perfectly aligned symmetrically around the rotational axis, resulting in a perfectly balanced rotor. This balance ensures that centrifugal forces acting on the rotor are equal and opposite, effectively canceling each other out. However, when the rotor's mass distribution becomes asymmetric—often due to wear, manufacturing defects, or environmental factors—vibrations occur. These vibrations can lead to accelerated wear and tear of bearings, misalignment, and even catastrophic failures in extreme cases.
    Electrical motors are typically constructed with rotors that can be categorized into rigid or flexible types. Rigid rotors maintain their shape under centrifugal forces, while flexible rotors may deform significantly at higher speeds. The latter type of rotor presents a unique challenge for balancing, as its dynamic behavior can change with varying speeds, complicating the balancing process. During balancing, both static and dynamic imbalances must be corrected. Static imbalances can be detected when the rotor is at rest, typically identified by the "heavy" point of the rotor that tends to rest downward due to gravity. Dynamic imbalances manifest only during rotor operation, influencing not only vibration but also torque applied to the motor. Correcting these imbalances often involves adding or adjusting counterweights positioned strategically on the rotor.
    Modern electric motor balancing utilizes advanced devices like the Balanset-1A portable balancer and vibration ****yzer, which allow technicians to assess the rotor's vibrations dynamically. The process typically involves measuring vibrations at various rotational speeds, noting any excess vibration, and identifying the necessary corrections. For optimal results, these balancing efforts must consider the frequencies of operation and natural vibration frequencies of the motor's support structure. If the operational speed approaches the natural frequency of the supports, resonance can occur, leading to an amplification of vibrations and possible structural damage.
    To effectively balance an electric motor, multiple methods can be applied, including the introduction of balancing masses at designated angles and locations. Determining the appropriate size and placement of these masses is crucial as it can significantly influence the dynamic performance of the rotor. It is essential to conduct multiple tests, adjusting weights and observing changes in vibration levels to find the correct balance. This iterative process allows for precise corrections in alignment and balance, resulting in minimized vibrations during operation.
    Aside from correcting imbalances, thorough inspections of the motor's overall condition are vital. Factors contributing to imbalances may range from misalignments in the installation to issues with electrical supply affecting the rotor's performance. Balancing alone cannot compensate for defective machinery; therefore, any underlying issues should be addressed to ensure the effective operation of the electric motor. Regular monitoring and maintenance can considerably enhance the motor's performance, minimizing the chances of vibration-related issues.
    Each motor type can exhibit unique vibration characteristics, which should be considered during the balancing process. For example, narrow rotors may display different behaviors than broader ones under similar operational conditions. Engineers and technicians should delve into the specific requirements and guidelines for their particular motor type to achieve effective balancing. Standards like ISO 1940-1 set out regulations for permissible unbalance levels, ensuring consistency and reliability across various applications.
    In any scenario, the balancing process should not only minimize vibrations but also abide by strict safety standards. High vibrations can lead to significant consequences, including reduced efficiency, increased energy consumption, and potential mechanical failures. The integration of advanced balancers and ****yzers allows for more precise assessments of balance, ensuring that electric motors run optimally while adhering to prescribed standards.
    To summarize, electric motor balancing is a critical function that enhances performance, longevity, and safety in motor operations. Understanding the principles of both static and dynamic balancing is essential for anyone involved in motor maintenance and repair. Regular balancing efforts, aided by technological advancements in measurement and ****ysis, pave the way for efficient electric motor function. Neglecting this essential maintenance can lead to severe consequences, making it imperative to prioritize electric motor balancing as a fundamental practice in any maintenance routine.
    Instagram: [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] Youtube : [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ]

صفحه 6 از 6 نخستنخست ... 23456

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   اکنون ساعت 01:13 بعد از ظهر برپایه ساعت جهانی (GMT - گرینویچ) +3.5 می باشد.

    انجمن موتورسيکلت ايران(پرشین موتور) جهت بالابردن سطح فرهنگ و اطلاعات در زمينه موتورسواري راه اندازي شده است
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