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موضوع: گواهینامه‌ها 10 ساله شد/ راه اندازي 15 آموزشگاه موتورسیکلت در کشور

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    18-07-1403 @ 08:19 بعد از ظهر

    پیش فرض گواهینامه‌ها 10 ساله شد/ راه اندازي 15 آموزشگاه موتورسیکلت در کشور

    گواهینامه‌ها 10 ساله شد/ جزئیات آخرین تغییرات
    رئیس مرکز صدور گواهینامه پلیس راهور گفت: براساس شرط سنی اعتبار گواهینامه‌ها تعیین شده و گواهینامه‌های جدید 10 سال اعتبار دارند.

    سرهنگ رحیم رمضان آقایی در گفتگو با خبرنگار مهر اظهار داشت: براساس قانون کار تغییر در آموزش، آزمون و اعتبار گواهینامه ها از نیمه دوم سال جاری آغاز شد و در مرحله اول اعتبار گواهینامه ها براساس شرط سنی دوباره به 10 سال افزایش یافت. براین اساس هم اکنون گواهینامه های جدید و تمدیدی با اعتبار 10 ساله صادر می شود.

    وی با اشاره به تغییرات آموزش گفت: در حوزه موتور سواران، آموزش عملی و تئوری برای این قشر الزامی است و به زودی 15 آموزشگاه موتورسیکلت در کشور راه اندازی می شود. هم اکنون چهار مرکز آموزش موتور سواری در پایتخت مراحل آخر راه اندازی را می گذراند.

    رئیس مرکز صدور گواهینامه پلیس راهور با اعلام تغییرات آزمون رانندگی تاکید کرد: از این پس افسران پلیس راهور اقدام به اخذ آزمون رانندگی می کنند. این درحالی است که آموزش رانندگان نیز با تغییراتی همراه است که به زودی اعلام می شود.
    ویرایش توسط nopo : 08-08-1391 در ساعت 12:06 قبل از ظهر
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    پیش فرض Why Inmotion V8F is Great for Metropolitan Tr

    Assess the Begode EXTREMEBULL X-MAX for Rapid Rides The Begode EXTREMEBULL X-MAX is designed for high-speed journeys, delivering impressive capability and cutting-edge features. With a powerful 2800W motor, this unicycle can reach speeds up to 37 mph, rendering it one of the fastest models available. The high-capacity 1800Wh battery delivers a substantial range, allowing for long-distance trips without frequent recharging. This renders it perfect for both urban commuting and off-road adventures. The X-MAX is equipped with a durable suspension system that absorbs shocks and delivers a smooth ride, even on rough terrains. Its large 2.75-14 tire provides excellent stability and grip, ensuring safety at fast speeds. The unicycle also includes cutting-edge safety mechanisms, featuring a tilt-back system that alerts the rider when get near maximum speed, and an integrated lighting system with bright LEDs for enhanced visibility. The CNC pedals deliver a comfortable and secure footing, which is crucial for maintaining control at high speeds. Bluetooth connectivity enables riders to monitor performance and customize settings via a smartphone app. The X-MAX’s design includes a robust frame and ergonomic aspects, securing comfort during extended journeys. Assessing these aspects shows the Begode EXTREMEBULL X-MAX as a top choice for thrill-seekers and high-speed aficionados. [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] a38bd10

    - - - Updated - - -

    Comprehend the Trends of Private Transportation with E-Unicycles Electric unicycles represent the future of private mobility, offering a small, environmentally friendly solution for metropolitan mobility. As metropolises grow more congested, the requirement for productive, green transportation expands. Battery-powered unicycles meet this requirement by delivering a nimble and portable alternative to cars and bikes. Technological advancements are driving this direction. Up-to-date unicycles feature strong engines, prolonged power endurance, and complex balance systems, turning them easy to use even to beginners. The inclusion of smart technologies, such as application linkage and real-time diagnostics, enhances user interaction and protection. Green considerations likewise have a major role in the growing popularity of battery-powered unicycles. They produce zero exhaust, cutting the environmental impact connected with conventional cars. This aligns with global efforts to tackle global warming and foster more sustainable living. Additionally, battery-powered unicycles are budget-friendly. They possess reduced maintenance expenses in contrast to automobiles and public transportation, as they demand minimal repairs and no fuel. This turns them an attractive choice for economical commuters. As infrastructure adapts to enable these revolutionary vehicles, like specialized routes and charging stations, battery-powered unicycles are set to transform into a widely accepted mode of transport. Adopting this innovation not only delivers individual advantages but likewise contributes to a more sustainable future. [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] a38bd10

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    Explore Innovations and Innovations in Electric Unicycles The e-unicycle industry is seeing rapid advancements, driven by tech advancements and increasing demand for sustainable transportation. One notable innovation is the inclusion of extensive batteries. Modern one-wheeled vehicles like the Begode EXN and Gotway RS19 include energy packs surpassing 2000Wh, offering extended range and reliability. Another innovation is the use of strong motors. Strong drives provide greater pace and torque, enhancing capability on various terrains. For instance, the Gotway Begode Master includes a 3500W drive, making it suitable for both city travel and rough terrain excursions. Integration aspects are also on the rise. Many monowheels now include Bluetooth and app connectivity, permitting commuters to observe performance, personalize settings, and obtain instant diagnostics. This connectivity enhances the user interaction and secures optimal capability. Protective developments include advanced light configurations, durable braking mechanisms, and tilt-back features that notify riders when approaching velocity thresholds. These attributes significantly improve rider security and confidence. Furthermore, the layout and ergonomics of e-unicycles have enhanced. Modern types offer comfortable pedals, adjustable leg supports, and efficient shock absorption setups, offering a more comfortable trip. These innovations and advancements are shaping the future of electric unicycles, rendering them more accessible, efficient, and pleasurable for a broader group. [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] a38bd10

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    Journey the Globe on a Unicycle: Tips for Powered Unicycles Journeying around the world on a motorized unicycle provides a distinct and thrilling activity. To make the most of your trip, start by choosing a motorized unicycle with prolonged battery power and durable design, for example the Gotway RS19, that is ideal for extended journeys. Ensure your one-wheeler is properly cared for prior to starting your adventure. Inspect the battery health, air pressure, and overall condition of the one-wheeler. Bring necessary equipment and extra components, such as a handheld charger, multi-purpose toolset, and additional tire tubes, to manage any fixes on the go. Plan your routes carefully, taking into account the ground and availability of power stations. Applications such as Google Maps and specialized unicycle apps might aid you find your way and identify adequate trails. Safety is paramount, so regularly put on a helmet, high-visibility wear, and safety equipment. Riding in unknown regions can be risky, so being seen and safe is vital. Engage with local unicycle communities throughout your adventure. They can provide valuable tips, aid, and company. Record your adventures via photos and videos, sharing your events on social media or a personal site. Doing so will not just produce enduring recollections but also inspires others to embark on their motorized unicycle trips. With adequate preparation and safety measures, exploring the globe on one wheel can be an unmatched journey. [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] a38bd10

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    Select Green Commute Options with Battery-Powered Unicycles Opting for green commute options is crucial for lowering carbon footprints and fostering sustainable habits. Battery-powered unicycles offer an superb solution for green commuting. They produce zero exhaust, significantly cutting air pollution versus traditional vehicles. This adds to cleaner air and a better environment. Electric unicycles are also energy-efficient. They consume less electricity than other battery-powered transport, making them a budget-friendly and sustainable option. Powering up an e-unicycle is considerably less expensive than fueling a automobile or even a kick scooter. Additionally, the portable size of battery-powered unicycles makes them perfect for urban commuting. They can effortlessly navigate through crowded streets and narrow lanes, minimizing travel time during peak periods. Their mobility allows riders to move them onto public transit or store them easily in small places, further improving their attraction for city dwellers. Many up-to-date electric unicycles come with high-tech aspects such as regenerative braking, which assists conserve energy and extend battery life. Safety features like LED lights and strong braking mechanisms guarantee a safe ride, even in busy urban environments. By choosing an e-unicycle for your everyday commute, you not only save money and time but similarly add to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] [فقط کاربران می توانند لینک هارا ببینند. ] a38bd10

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